Care & Help

You are not alone! At one time or another, we all need the help and support of others to help us through difficult times. Crossroads Fellowship Care Ministries support, strengthen, and encourage you in your challenges and offer you hope in  Jesus Christ.  Whether your struggle is physical, emotional or relational, we are here for you. 

Get Help. Give Help.  

It starts with a conversation. Let's get connected.

Whether you're looking for help or hoping to give help to others, you've come to the right place. Click the respective button below to get connected with the right ministries.
Ryan Siegers 
Wake Forest Campus Pastor
919-981-0222 x280

Celebrate Recovery

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ based recovery program that helps you rebuild your life, restore relationships, and find redemption in Jesus Christ. We offer a safe place for individuals  to meet together and support and encourage each other on their journey to find hope and healing.  This life changing program is specifically designed to help you heal from past hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Who is Celebrate Recovery for?

Celebrate Recovery is for everyone . This group is not just for those in recovery for addictions; it is for anyone who wants to have healthier relationships, reach their goals, and find God's purpose in life so they may serve Him more effectively. 
Elaine, 919-539-8220,

What can I expect at a Celebrate Recovery meeting?

Meetings are held in a safe, confidential environment with gender-based small groups dealing with: chemical dependency / eating disorders / workaholism / anger and anxiety problems / drug addiction / codependency and enabling / sexual addiction / control issues / relationship challenges and addictions.

Friday Night Schedule
7-8pm:  Worship & Teaching or Testimony in the Equip Center
8-9pm: Newcomers 101 (meeting for first-time visitors only)
8-9pm: Open Share Groups

When does Celebrate Recovery meet?

Friday Nights
7-9pm  |  The Equip Center, Millbrook Campus*
*The Equip Center is located at the back of the Millbrook Campus Building near the Thrift Store. Please look for flags and enter through the Equip Center entrance. 


Offering a Safe Place to Heal

Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:30pm
West Entrance,  Millbrook Campus*

GriefShare is a biblically-based, Christ-centered, 13-week support program for anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. You will be surrounded by others who understand loss and grief. Receive caring support as you journey toward healing and wholeness through Jesus Christ. Each weekly session is self-contained, so you may join at any point.

There is one-time fee of $20 to cover the cost of the participant's guide.
(Scholarships available). Childcare will NOT be available.

*View our Building Map for options closest to the West Entrance. Contact Ministry Coordinator Suzanne Weldy with questions

Marriage Support

Getting Married?
Getting married is an exciting time in life! We are delighted to guide you through the process of how Crossroads can be a part of your great day and in helping shape your marriage. We are passionate in helping couples enter marriage in a committed and Biblical way. Completion of the Pre-Marriage Mentoring program is typically required of any couple getting married by a Crossroads Pastor.

STEP 1 – Select a Pastor to Officiate Your Ceremony
If you are not using a Crossroads Pastor to marry you, but you would like pre-marital counseling through Crossroads or to use our facility, you must still select a Crossroads Pastor to sponsor you through this process. You can contact any of our pastors by phone by calling 919.981.0222.

STEP 2 – Complete A Wedding Questionnaire
Each person getting married must complete a, "Crossroads Wedding Questionnaire," Click Here. The form will be electronically sent to the Pastor you have requested to officiate your wedding or to your Sponsoring Pastor.

STEP 3 – Secure the Date & Location of the Wedding
If you are planning to use our Church Building on your wedding day, your sponsoring pastor can work with our facilities department to secure a particular room for the ceremony or reception. Contact Debbie Delaney for details.

STEP 4 – Complete a Premarital Counseling Process
All couples getting married at Crossroads are asked to participate in premarital counseling, typically through our Pre-Marriage Mentoring process. A trained Mentor Couple will  meet with you several times prior to your marriage. This mentoring relationship may continue through the first year of marriage. You must be referred to  Pre-Marriage Mentoring by your Sponsoring Pastor.
Marriage Mentors
Whether you're newly engaged or have been married for decades, right now is a great time to make a meaningful investment in the health of your relationship.  Marriage Mentors offer prayer, encouragement, practical tools, and a safe space to explore the health of your relationship so that you and your spouse can thrive together. Marriage Mentors are not marriage counselors but we are happy to refer you to a licensed marriage counselor if needed. 
Embrace Grace
For Single and Pregnant Moms
Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, Millbrook Campus Prayer Room

Goodbye Fear, Hello Joy
Pregnant? Questions? Need Help?

Has your life been impacted by a surprise pregnancy? No matter your past or what you are going through, whether you choose to parent or place for adoption, we want to walk with you. When you join this support group, you will meet weekly for 12 weeks, be encouraged by women who have walked in your shoes, make new friends and receive a baby shower in your honor.

Adoption and Foster Care

The goal of the Adoption & Foster Care Ministry is to support families through prayer, personal contact, and encouragement, and offer mentoring between families who have already adopted/fostered and those who are interested in or already in the process. Interested in more? Contact Kurt & Carey Koenig below.

More Ministries

Crossroads Care Encouragers

Crossroads Care Encouragers offer support and encouragement to people whose lives have been disrupted by divorce, death, grief, loss of a job, retirement changes, health problems, loneliness, discouragement, childbirth, questions about God and faith, and a myriad of other issues. Trained  caregivers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people in and around our church. Men meet with men and women meet with women, offering a listening ear, encouragement and prayer.

Learn more about the help Crossroads Care Encouragers can provide by filling out the form below.