Weekly Classes

We offer a variety of classes on Sundays and throughout the week to help people connect to our church relationally and become fully devoted followers of Christ.  We want to help each person find their place to Connect, Grow, Serve, Pray and Give.

Millbrook Campus Classes


  • Bible Fellowship Class (For All) - 9:15am, Rm 751 / The Book of Romans / Led by Mark and Wendy Wotring. Register HERE.
  • Bible Studies for the Hungry Heart (Ages 35+) -  11am-12:30pm, EQUIP Center / Led by Greg Hicks. Register HERE.
  • Apologetics - 11am, Rm 734 / Led by Revonda Russos. Register HERE.
  • Chosen By Grace - 2nd & 4th Sundays at 11am, Rm 718 in the EQUIP Center/ Led by Josh Northington. (This class exists to educate the church body about the need for orphan care and  to support families who have already adopted/fostered and/or are interested.)  Register HERE.
  • Deaf Community Fellowship (DCF- 11am, Rm 737 / Learn more at deafcommunityfellowship.org or contact us HERE.

Marriage Class

Sundays, 11am | Rm 751
*Beginning Sunday, March 16
Led by Ray and Candy Elliott
Learn to reconnect and thrive together in a God-designed marriage with "The Art of Marriage" by FamilyLife. This 7-week class runs March 16 - May 4 (will not meet Easter Sunday). 

Wake Forest Campus Classes


Marriage Class

Sundays, beginning March 16, 11:00am, Rm 303
Led by Scott and Susan Hewlitt
Learn to reconnect and thrive together in a God-designed marriage with "The Art of Marriage" by FamilyLife. This 7-week class runs March 16-May 4 (will not meet Easter Sunday). 


Women's Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Tuesdays , 6:30-8pm
Led by Tammy Smolan / Rm 205
Join us as we watch "War Room", followed by reading "Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer" by Priscilla Shirer. Each chapter will guide you in crafting prayer strategies that hit the enemy where it hurts, letting him know you’re on to him and that you won’t back down. Because with every strategy you build, you’re turning the battles of life into precise strikes against him,  each one infused with the power of God’s Spirit.

Women's Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30am
Led by Cindy Orange / Rm 205

Join us this fall as we study Romans: Live With Clarity by Jada Edwards. This study explores the book of Romans and explains that the gospels provide clarity for everything we need in this life. This eight-session study dives deep into doctrine by examining Paul’s letters about faith: application, love community, authority, and unity. Contact Cindy Orange for more information.

Wake Forest Men's Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, Rm 312
A BSF Men’s group offers straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Exploring God’s Word together allows men to learn from one another, be challenged and encourage each other to live for something larger than themselves. Visit the BSF website HERE for more information or contact Jay Tilley.