
Crossroads Kids is a children's ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind! Children from birth through 5th-grade experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Child Dedication

Sunday, March 23, 9:15 and 11:00am, Both Campuses

This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to publicly declare their intent to guide and raise their child/children in faith as our church family prays over you.

If you wish to dedicate your child, there is a required Parent Meeting on Sunday, March 9 at 12:30pm after the 11am service.  

Superbook Academy

Wednesday Nights (During Spark Groups)
6:30-8pm, Wake Forest Campus

Through fun games, in-depth bible study and crafts, we will take kids on a journey back in time to find archaeological evidence with Chris, Joy and their robot Gizmo as they discover biblical truths they can use every day and uncover how each story points back to Jesus.

Wondrous Wednesdays

Wednesday Nights (During Spark Groups)
6:30-8pm, Millbrook Campus

Wondrous Wednesdays allow kids to choose a track they want to participate in each month. Examples of potential tracks include: Legos, creative crafting, field day fun, and more!

Each Wednesday Night for your child will:
- Start with a time to socialize, free play, make new friends and get to
know the leaders in their track.
- Be followed by gathering to go deeper into our Bible story from Sunday.
Weren’t there Sunday? It’s okay! We will do a quick review, too.
- End up by heading back to their chosen track for games/activities that
reinforce what we learned during our large group session.

Please register ahead to ensure we have enough supplies and volunteers on hand for Wednesday Night Kick Off to make your child's experience fun, fulfilling and safe.

Parent Resources

You have the opportunity every day to be the spiritual leaders of your home.
Click the images below for the online resources to help grow your child's faith. 
Download the Parent Cue App for access to a variety of resources. 
Enjoy free access to First Look by
Orange curriculum for toddlers and preschoolers.
Enjoy free access to 252Kids + 252Preteen  by Orange curriculum. 

Sunday Mornings

6 weeks - 5th Grade  |  Sunday Mornings, 9:15 & 11am

Millbrook Campus

  • Weeland Zoo (6 weeks - Younger 3s)
  • The Neighborhood (3s - Pre-K)
  • Main Street (K - 5th Grade)
  • Special Needs Class (ages 6-12) *
*Special Needs Class 11am  | Rm 360
This Sunday School class is for children ages 6-12 with special needs. We embrace each child's needs and provide a safe environment where they can learn about Jesus in a more sensory-integrated environment. Children worship through music, prayer, crafts, and play. We also provide shadows for children who are able to participate in main-stream classes, as needed.
Nursing Mother’s Room is located down the hall and to the right, with live sermon broadcast and diaper changing station.
Millbrook Precepts Class
3rd-5th Grade / Rm 350
Sundays,  9:15 & 11am
Cost: $15/per child

This year we will study the Book of James through the study, "Boy, Have I Got Problems!" by Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt. Contact Amy Pitman questions.

Wake Forest Campus

  • Nursery (6 weeks - Younger 2s)
  • Preschool (Older 2s - Pre-K)
  • Elementary (K -  5th Grade)
Nursing Mother’s Suite is located on the 2nd floor, behind our ladies’ restroom, with live sermon broadcast and diaper changing station.
Wake Forest Precepts Class
4th-5th Grade / Rm 104
Sundays,  11am only
Cost: $10/per child

This year we will study the Prophecy of Revelation 1-7. We'll discover action-packed events, unusual creatures, and mind-boggling sights. Contact Paula Batton for questions.

Interested in Serving?