
The Women's Ministry of Crossroads Fellowship exists to encourage and support ladies - no matter what season or circumstance - to become fully devoted followers of Christ. 

New Small Group

Wednesdays 9:30-11am
Knightdale Home Group

Am I loved? The central question of every human heart is answered with a resounding yes through this study of the Ephesians. Through this study written by Scotty Smith, each participant will grow in their understanding of the love of Christ, and the riches of his grace and how that love shapes every relationship and every interaction with others. This group will be led and hosted in the home of Leslie Brereton.  Please contact Leslie for more info and to register HERE.

Connection Resources

IF: Table

We are all craving community and connection. Be the first to invite people in! Gather around the table for a meal and conversation about God. Click the button below to access the free conversation cards .

Looking for a Study for You and Your Group?

Check out our catalog of Bible studies available to our Women's Ministry! Visit crfw.librarika.com to see our on-site collection. To request access to check out material, email Liz Martinez.

Want to Join or Start a Small Group?

We have many women’s small groups available. Look over the options below and find the group that works best for you.
Want to start a small group? Reach out to Liz Martinez to discuss what you feel God is calling you to begin. It can be scary to step out in faith to lead other women, but you are not alone! We would love to join you in making this happen.

Studies & Connection

CBS (Community Bible Study)

9:45-11:30am | Thursdays, Millbrook Campus
CBS provides individual study, small group discussions, effective teaching and fellowship. From September through May, CBS offers classes (in-person and online) for women and children and now Agape! Agape is an in-depth Bible study for adults with intellectual disabilities. CBS is open to women of ALL ages and denominations. This year, we will study the book of Matthew!

Women's Tuesday Evening Study

6:30 - 8pm | Tuesdays, Wake Forest Campus
This group is studying Esther by Kelly Minter. The book of Esther is full of God's faithfulness, even though he is not mentioned. No matter who you are and what your circumstances may be, God can use you for such a time as this. To join and/or find out more about this study, contact Tammy Smolan.

Women's Wednesday Morning Study

9:30-11:30am | Wake Forest Campus, Rm 205
This group is studying Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby. If you are looking for a more personal and meaningful relationship with God, then this is the study for you! God is with you and wants to relate to you in your life and he wants to sweep you up into his eternal purposes. To join and/or find out more about this 12-week study, contact Cindy Orange.

Women's Thursday Zoom Group

Thursdays, 6:30-8pm / Zoom
This group is studying Psalms 23 by Pastor Matt Chandler. This study will dive deep into the six verses to show you that true rest comes from God, not in things of this world. God is with you through the valleys and when we surrender our lives to Christ, he will shower us with his goodness and mercy. To join and/or find out more about this study, contact Angela Plummer.

Called to Peace Ministries

CTPM is a group for women who are in or have been in a troubled relationship. This 16-week rotating study will help provide you with spiritual truths to combat guilt and promote healing. Whether you are in a troubled relationship yourself, or desire to help someone else who is suffering from one, the study offers hope, inspiration, and biblical guidance. You may join this study at any time. Contact Dana for details.

Join a Small Group!

Discover the many women’s small groups we have available. Find a group that works best for you and tap the button below for details.

Want to start a small group? Reach out to Liz Martinez and she will be glad to meet and talk about what you feel like God’s calling you to. It can be scary to step out in faith to lead other women, but you are not alone! We would love to join you in making this happen.

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